New government YOJNA your village in all details for your mobile phoneBudget 2022 new government scheme is subject Sarkari yojnao special offer for Gujarat government best discuss
All 85,000 new housing will be constructed under housing housing for the provision of Rs.31,100 crore

In the state budget, the Finance Minister announced the Chief Minister’s Women Uttarashan Yojana and said that a total amount of Rs. 1 crore has been raised for the construction of Panchayat Gram Housing, Village Development. Announcing a new scheme called Chief Minister Mahila Utkarsh Yojana, the Finance Minister said that if the women from rural and urban areas, under the scheme, create up to 4 lakhs of credit, the entire interest will be paid directly to the banks by the state. . government
In this, the women’s uplift group will get zero percent loan which will give women a new force for self-employment. Under this scheme, a provision of Rs. 1 crore has been made for providing interest assistance. Development of facilities such as school, school room, smart class, anganwadi, crematorium, hospital, road, drinking water tank, village pond, sewer system, community toilet, library, community hall, panchayat house, etc., under the state’s hometown scheme . The matching amount will be added by the state government for which the provision of Rs. 1 crore will be made
Management of solid and liquid waste is very important to maintain sanitation in the village. Cleaning equipment like tricycle and hand cart of the state’s five gram panchayats will be provided for solid waste management. A water treatment plant will be set up in 4 gram panchayats for the management of such liquid waste. For this, a provision of Rs.31100 crores
Under the Gujarat government’s plan to collect solid waste through door to door collection, all the Gram Panchayats are currently being given two grants per person per month. Instead, four grants per month will be given to the person, for which provision of Rs 1 crore has been made. In addition to the newly approved housing in the rural areas, the state government will be assisted by the State Government against the beneficiary contribution of Rs. For this, a provision of Rs. 1 crore has been made
Announcing the Chief Minister’s Rural Self-Reliance Scheme with the objective of creating permanent employment for the sisters in rural areas, he added that under this scheme, the sisters of self-help groups would be given assistance to buy grain and spice milling bells. For this, a provision of Rs. 1 crore has been made. A provision of Rs.5 crore has been made to set up a stall for direct sale at local fairs of manufactured goods.
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To complete the noble intention of housing all by 3, so far the construction of 1 lakh housing has been completed against the target of 1 lakh 3 thousand housing. Under this program, 85 thousand new houses will be constructed. For this, a provision of Rs. 31100 crore has been made